Aerial view of garden wedding ceremony with guests gathered around white gazebo and landscaped grounds.

 Port Macquarie Wedding Photographer

Candid Modern Creative

Creative wedding portrait taken under a beach shelter with ocean views.
Romantic moment captured on a leaf-covered forest path.
Aerial view of an outdoor wedding ceremony setup with chairs arranged in curved rows on a lawn.
Wedding party in coral and navy attire posed outdoors in a natural setting.
Close-up of a large monitor lizard resting in grass.
Wedding party in coral and navy attire posed against white and blue building.
Classic cars including a vintage limousine parked along a coastal road during a wedding photoshoot.
Wedding party performs fun jumping pose with bridesmaids in coral and groomsmen in blue.
Wedding party in blue dresses poses in a forest setting with flowing white gown in motion.
Fun beach wedding photo with bridal party posing dramatically against ocean waves.
Wedding party exiting venue with bride carrying elegant white and green bouquet.
Dramatic wedding photo at a coastal location with a flowing white dress.
Group of men in blue vests standing at coastal lookout point.
Wedding couple sharing an intimate moment on a rustic wooden bench.
Close-up shot of a ring exchange during an emotional wedding ceremony.
Wedding portrait featuring a beautiful floral bouquet and elegant attire.
A wedding photo on a dramatic rocky beach with crashing waves and cloudy skies.
Black and white photo of a couple posing among twisted tree branches in a romantic setting.
Wedding party lined up on a scenic beach with cliffs and cloudy skies in the background.
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Setup a time obligation free to speak with Mike to check his availability & discuss your vision for your day  .You can call me ( Mike ) on 0413001777 or via contact form below.